Traffic impact studies for construction sites

Challenges associated with the installation of a construction site
Through this expertise, Technologies Nouvelles is able to help project owner and project management teams to provide solutions in response to the impacts of construction sites on traffic.
- Reduction of the motorised or pedestrian traffic supply: closing of main section and/or closing of roads, pavements or walkways
- Management of the construction site easement: impact and integration of the construction site in the urban environment, such as the impact on access points and any deliveries to shops, educational or cultural establishments
- Management of static or dynamic shuttle services within the context of the reduction in the number of roads, bridge crossings, or construction site entrances and exits
- User signage: installation of temporary signs including information boards to direct users to other routes and partial or complete coverage of vertical signage if necessary
Characterisation of the current operation of the impacted network
Our teams propose effective solutions to ensure that you can safely manage construction site flows, reduce congestion associated with worksite facilities, and facilitate the acceptability of the work.
In response to your challenges, Technologies Nouvelles intervenes in three main areas:
- Characterise the current traffic supply: report of the number of roads, the traffic plan, parking, etc.
- Diagnose the current operation of the network: operation of junctions and sections, etc.
- Analyse traffic data in the sector: density of road flows and distribution of traffic over time, etc.
- Survey current site constraints

Evaluation of the impact of the construction site on traffic
- Forecast of traffic reports caused by work on urban roads based on available traffic data or surveys conducted by our teams (origin-destination surveys, directional counts, Floating Car Data)
- Detailed study of the impact of the construction site on traffic and road safety: analyse the operation of junctions during the construction site phase, survey accident-prone points or hazardous zones
- Estimation of the impact of construction sites on the journey times of users forced to change their route (additional travel times and distances)
Recommendations to integrate the construction site in the urban environment
- Studies and proposals for the operation of junctions in the construction site phase: propose solutions for junctions that present operating limits, study the requirement to install traffic lights to safely manage flows
- Management of access to construction sites: study the turning of heavy vehicles, the installation of traffic lights if required, propose pedestrian routes and analyse parking around the construction site
- Proposal of alternative routes to be implemented in coherence with the network structure, the available infrastructure and current routes
- Proposal of “effective” staking to guide users during the various construction site phases by installing staking panels or using dynamic systems (use of Floating Car Data) to display journey time information in real time for users concerned by the deviation.
Proposals and implementation of mobility solutions in response to unscheduled construction site events
Technologies Nouvelles therefore frequently intervenes prior to initiation of the work, providing daily assistance to both simple and large-scale construction sites.