Réalisation d'une voie verte, piste cyclable, cycliste, moblier urbain
Réalisation d'une voie verte, piste cyclable, cycliste, moblier urbain

Developing active mobility

Facilitating the use of eco-responsible transport modes

marche, voie piétonne, voie verte, piéton

The development of soft mobility is key to today’s environmental, economic and social challenges, and is becoming an essential prerequisite for sustainable, user-friendly towns and cities. Infrastructure needs to be created or adapted to encourage users to use environmentally friendly transport modes of such as walking, cycling or using scooters...
Aximum can help you design and organise secure cycle networks, attractive pedestrian walkways for a peaceful sharing of roads.

Equipping greenways and cycle paths

Voies vertes

Equipping greenways and cycle paths

The bicycle, a genuine alternative to the car, is becoming an essential mode of transport, leading to a rethink of the space and organisation of cycling
Aximum supports local authorities in the development of soft mobility by offering solutions that improve the safety and comfort of user journeys. From diagnosing cycle routes to installing sign equipment, safety equipment and street furniture, our teams are helping to improve the safety and appeal of cycle paths, greenways and cycle routes, thereby promoting eco-responsible modes of transport.

Making intersections safe

Intersection avec feux tricolores, piste cyclable, passage piéton

Making intersections safe

Intersections must be given special road safety treatment. Aximum offers innovative solutions to avoid potential conflicts of use. Enhanced signage and intelligent priority management systems make it possible to make safer to use soft modes of transport but also road traffic. Our teams can offer you solutions tailored to each lane configuration, so you can design intersections and make cycle and pedestrian crossings safer.

Facilitating bicycle parking

Stationnement vélo, abri vélo,  solutions de recharge des vélos à assistance électrique

Facilitating bicycle parking

Facilitating bicycle parking is a key factor in supporting the development of cycling mobility. Aximum offers innovative solutions for Electrically Assisted Bicycle (EAB) recharging areas, as well as systems for managing parking spaces. By meeting the needs of users and local authorities, Aximum is helping to promote sustainable urban mobility.

Ensuring the safety of soft modes of transport in town centres

Vélos sur une piste cyclable

Ensuring the safety of soft modes of transport in town centres

Making soft modes of transport safer in town centres is an essential part of promoting sustainable urban mobility. Aximum supports towns and cities in their safety policies for ‘vulnerable’ users, such as pedestrians, cyclists and users of motorised personal transport devices, to ensure that different types of traffic can coexist harmoniously in urban spaces. 
By improving the visibility of lanes, cycle paths and pedestrian crossings using innovative coatings and markings, limiting speed or controlling lane access, our solutions improve traffic conditions and safety in shared areas as well as on lanes dedicated to soft modes of transport.

Improving the walkability of urban spaces

Piétons qui marchent dans une zone piétonne

Improving the walkability of urban spaces

Encouraging people to walk is a major challenge in terms of public health and decarbonising mobility. To enhance the quality of life in towns and cities, Aximum can help you create safe, accessible and pleasant walkways that improve the ease of pedestrian mobility
Discover our solutions for enhancing and improving the safety of pedestrian areas and soft paths: high-quality, durable coatings, entertainment markings or signage of local interest… Our teams can help you create an urban environment that combines safety, functionality and aesthetics, turning walking into an enjoyable experience.

Accessible roads for persons with reduced mobility

Passage piéton avec une bande podotactile

Accessible roads for persons with reduced mobility

Roads must be accessible to all, designed and equipped to make it easier for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) to find their way around and travel safely. Aximum has a range of guidance, information and warning solutions that promote safe mobility for the most vulnerable users and the visually impaired, thereby contributing to a more inclusive city.

The city from a child’s-eye view

Enfants traversant un passage piéton

The city from a child’s-eye view

Ensuring that children can get around safely is a major challenge, requiring special organisation. Aximum supports you with a global analysis of each environment and effective systems. Behavioural and traffic flow studies, organisation to improve visibility, systems to increase the vigilance of children and drivers alike, safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists, are just some of the solutions that can be deployed to keep children safe. 

Analysing the road conditions and traffic on soft modes of transport

Analyser l'état des voies et le trafic des modes doux, vélos trotinette, écomobilité, passage piéton

Analysing the road conditions and traffic on soft modes of transport

Our specialists in road and traffic engineering offer you solutions for analysing and supervising pedestrian and cyclist flows, auditing road conditions and monitoring priorities. The data collected and detailed traffic analyses enable managers to take action to improve travel conditions for soft modes of transport, thereby helping to enhance ecomobility.