Preserving our road heritage

A good understanding of road assets is essential to preserve their quality of use and maintain their condition over the long term.
Technologies Nouvelles, an Aximum subsidiary, supports local authorities and contracting authorities in the management and maintenance of road assets, and in the development of efficient strategies for scheduling works.
Auscultation and diagnosis of track conditions

Auscultation and diagnosis of track conditions
Monitor, analyse and measure the condition of your road assets, help to prevent risks of deterioration and to highlight maintenance actions.
Technologies Nouvelles controls the condition of roads in order to enable you to qualify the condition of your road assets using cutting edge technologies and smart vehicles.
Diagnosis and conformity of road equipment

Diagnosis and conformity of road equipment
The quality of use of the roads depends on the conformity of road equipment, a key element of the safety of user travel. The regulatory, technical and operational expertise of the Technologies Nouvelles teams enables you to benefit from a reliable and comprehensive diagnosis, to assure you of the correct compliance with installation rules, as well as the application of standards in force.
Work scheduling and maintenance strategies

Work scheduling and maintenance strategies
In terms of carriageways and road equipment, project owners and project managers must define the levels of services required as a function of the use and category of roads.
Technologies Nouvelles helps you to define and implement maintenance strategies, establish various scenarios in order to anticipate, prioritise and schedule preventive and curative maintenance interventions taking into account the technical and budget constraints.
Maintenance and hosting of asset management support solutions

Maintenance and hosting of asset management support solutions
Technologies Nouvelles offers you online data hosting solutions in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode enabling you to consult the results of different diagnoses in the form of thematic maps with options to update as work is carried out.
In the same category
See our other areas of expertise.