Supervise & regulate traffic lights junctions in real time

Modular & scalable trafic control system : Symart
- Centralised management of dynamic equipment and all modes of transport
- Fast and efficient implementation of on-call services : quality an reliability of the information processed
- Interoperable system for easy implementation and use
- Adaptable to the size and needs of your projects
- Customized configuration and additional modules can be added at any point
- Personalized support and follow-up of your projets
A full bespoke service
- Traffic regulation systems engineering
- Installation, connection, and commissioning of the system
- Connection to the equipment on the ground via Ethernet networks, fibre-optics, xDSL, serial link, GPRS, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi Mesh, and LoRa
- Configuration & operation assistance
- Staff training

Easier operation & maintenance
- Real-time supervision and information on equipment status in map view format
- Remote monitoring, alarm management on synoptic, summary table and logbook
- Exploitation of acquired data
- Operator may intervene at any time: configuration changes are immediately applied
- Automatic initiation of on-call services and generation of event files for better maintenance monitoring
- Supplement the supervision with further connected objects via an API interface : iOT sensors (air pollution, weather conditions, collision, water level, events...)
- Simple login online via web browser on PC, smartphone or tablet
- Offer available on the Cloud with subscription
Controlling traffic

Controlling traffic
SYMART allows the control of traffic lights junctions:
- Various traffic light plans based on time of day, traffic status and external information (weather or pollution level)
- Manual & automatic override
- Reference time synchronisation traffic plans and tops traffic plans
Special actions: define routes, manage special events
The system can interface with all dynamic equipment: Variable message signs, controllers, sensors, etc. Zone management is independent from the physical equipment connection architecture.
Additional software options can be added by simply updating your licence.
This solution can be used to connect to all crossroad controllers regardless of generation, including those without the DIASER protocol.
This makes it easier to manage your facilities and control costs.
Monitoring public transport priority

Monitoring public transport priority
Promoting public transport in cities improves safety and reduces pollution.
Optional modules will help you:
- Store data for real-time analysis or later analysis of information gathered by sensors
- Analyse recorded data and track the impact and quality of public transport priorities on the road network
Collecting real time trafic & managing travel time

Collecting real time trafic & managing travel time
The system offers the option of gathering physical data on traffic flow and occupancy rate to:
- Establish travel times
- Establish regulation strategies or VMS display plans
Consolidating physical, fcd & bluetooth data

Consolidating physical, fcd & bluetooth data
SYMART collects and consolidates traffic data captured by Floating Car Data, bluetooth and physical sensors.
Floating Car Data is used to capture GPS positions in real time for a range of vehicles (light vehicles, taxis, heavy goods vehicles) in order to provide travel time information.
Bluetooth sensors installed on the roads are used to calculate travel time through connected objects (smartphones, hands-free kits).
A traffic flow evaluation tool for mobility observatories: this software solution for classified road traffic counts allows a detailed monitoring of different vehicules classes in circulation by line and lane(bicycles, motorbikes, HGVs, Light vehicles, … ).
Telemoritoring via symart online

Telemoritoring via symart online
Symart Online is an economical monitoring solution based on our intuitive Cloud application.
All you need is an internet connection to use the software on PC, smartphone, or tablet:
- Real-time information on equipment status
- Automatic initiation of on-call services in case of anomalies
- Optional operational overrides
- Compatible with all crossroad traffic light controllers
Documentary database available for each traffic light controlled crossroads
Crossroad controllers are connected to the internet via 4G/ 3G/ GPRS/ LoRa. Based on an annual subscription per crossroad, pricing is flexible and scalable.