
Traffic modelling: dynamic simulations to better plan and develop

Traffic modelling: dynamic simulations to better project and develop

Colas presents Flowell for interactive, illuminated crosswalks

Reference traffic model

Before any mission, our teams make site visits to observe and gain an accurate understanding of the site operation, both in terms of user behaviour and obstructing manoeuvres. This groundwork enables the team to reproduce the initial configuration as accurately as possible, in order to align the model with the reality on the ground.

Effective tool to bolster theoretical studies, dynamic simulation is used to consider a number of parameters and factors such as:

  • User behaviour (inconsiderate parking, lack of courtesy)
  • Traffic density (traffic jam points, traffic irregularity)
  • Weather conditions (slower speed in wet conditions)
  • Events (accidents, emergency interventions, works)

Our teams’ experience in the use of dynamic simulation software, in particular Aimsun and Paramics, and traffic management expertise enables them to produce precise traffic simulation models.

Simulation of development scenarios

Once this picture of the existing situation has been created, the simulation model is used to test and compare the various development recommendations and scenarios outlined beforehand to provide a solution to malfunctions previously identified:

"Flowell améliore la visibilité ainsi que la lisibilité du marquage quelles que soient les conditions climatiques. La nuit et par temps couvert, les LED qui s’allument apportent une visibilité maximale du passage piéton. La journée, Flowell est également très visible grâce au contraste apporté entre la dalle de couleur noire lorsque éteinte et la puissance du flux lumineux de la LED lorsque allumée.   La solution permet un meilleur respect de la priorité piétonne et une meilleure accessibilité de la ville.
Détection de piétons lors de la traversée et allumage des dalles Flowell

Operating indicators

New data, whether geometric or associated with traffic data, is input into the model, and several indicators are calculated :

  • Effective flows
  • Queue data
  • Speed
  • Journey times
  • The consequences of junction programs on general traffic.

These resulting indicators are compared with the existing condition or with other scenarios, to enable decisions to be made about the impact of the modifications.

Dynamic simulation findings

  • Our teams produce qualitative reports incorporating the different configurations used, as well as comparisons and analyses of the various indicators arising from the model or the theoretical study.
  • The dynamic simulation is also used to provide video clips that are used to interpret the operations studied.
  • In addition to the complexity of situations that can be modelled through dynamic simulation, this technique is also a tool used to present findings to local authorities, planners or citizens. It can prove very useful in consultation meetings with residents to better communicate the challenges, the solutions proposed and the associated budget.
Rendus des simulations dynamiques